
Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Oldest Videos and Pictures

These are the oldest vids and pics I founded from YOUTUBE.....Hope You enjoy

This is the Roundhay Garden Scene, in 1888 by Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince. Roundhay Garden Scene is quite possibly the first film ever recorded, in a comically old 1888. And at a stunningly short two seconds, you see two people turn around and start walking, while it appears two others are dancing. And that's it. It might be surprising that something so amateurish could be regarded as the first stepping stone for every film ever created, but in a 'technological advancement' point-of-view. It's quite amazing that something like this could be accomplished over a hundred years ago when computer and film technology was virtually nonexistent.

Then, this is the World's Oldest Photograph

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Went Pilgrimage in Makkah by Walking for 5,700KM

SARAJEVO - A Bosnian Muslim man walked on pilgrimage to Mecca last year told the news agency AFP that he arrived in the Holy City after crossing seven countries including Syria.

"I arrived in Makkah on Saturday. I'm not tired, this is the happiest day of my life, "said Senad Hadzic through a telephone interview.

47-year-old man said he walked a distance of 5,700 kilometers (km) for 314 days through Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria and Jordan to go to Mecca while carrying 20 kilograms of backpack.

Hadzic featuring the journey in his Facebook account, including pictures when he acquired pass card in and out of Syria by the home ministry to foreigners.

"I across Syria in April. I walked around 500km within 11 days. I crossed the city of Aleppo and Damascus, as well as a number of control posts regime and rebel forces but I have never been arrested.

"In a military watchtower President Bashar Al-Assad, several soldiers forced me to empty my backpack. When I showed the Qur'an and told them I walking to Mecca, they let me go, "said Senad.

"I'm walking because of Allah, for Islam, for Bosnia-Herzegovina, for my parents and my sisters," said the man.

In his Facebook page, he told that Allah has shown the way to Mecca in a dream, including heading to the holy city through Syria and not Iraq.

During his journey, Senad facing cold temperatures between -35 ° degrees Celsius in Bulgaria until the heat reaches 44 ° degrees Celsius in Jordan.

He said that he had to wait in Istanbul for a few weeks to get permission to cross the Bosphorus Bridge on foot, as well as two months at the border of Jordan and Saudi Arabia to obtain a visa to perform the hajj.-AFP

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bodie, The Ghost Town of California

Bodie is located in the eastern slopes of the Sierra, close to the Nevada border. It can be righteously hot by midsummer and buried in snow in wintertime. In 1880, the town had reached nearly 8000 residents.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

World's Record Jump from FELIX BAUMGARTNER

Felix Baumgartner (43) will do the world's highest skydive and at the same time became the first human to do skydive at supersonic speeds. Felix will do a skydive from a Red Bull Startos One balloon. This Giant balloon is as high as 55 floors with a capacity of 30 million cubic feet and will lift Felix to a height of 36.6 kilometers. If the parachute goes well he will jump at the speed of 690 miles per hour. Will he be successful to break the world record ? Look at his jump directly on the site Red Bull Stratos here>>>>

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Samsung Pay $1 Billion Suit to Apple with 5 Cents by 30 Truck

More than 30 trucks filled with 5 cents arrive at Apple's headquarter in California. At first, the security guards who protect the headquarter thought it was diverted at the wrong place, but a few minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explained that they'll pay a fine of $ 1 billion dollars.

The funny thing is the signed document does not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is reserved to send to the iPhone creator billion per dollar as they think best.

Lee Kun-Hee said, it was a dirty tactics, causing headache to Apple because they need to apply to counting all the money, and check if it is complete and try to find a bank to calculate all the money that has been sent by the Samsung.

Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the reporters that the company will not be intimidated by a bunch of "geeks with style" and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it.

You can use your coins to buy drinks at a machine for living or melt the coins to make a computer, but that's not my problem, I have pay the fine.

20,000,000,000 coins have presented and end the feud.

Good job Samsung !!! You've troll the Apple

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A White-robed Man Lifting a Martyr Boy only by One Hand

When mercenaries Basyar Al-Assad regime killing demonstrators madly, suddenly a body of a man dressed in white come out from the military side of Basyar Al-Assad. The man lifted the martyr victims Basyar mercenaries killed in the demonstrators calmly.

The white-robed man looked calmly lifted the boy was martyred only by one hand.

Man or an angel? If he is a man, do not wonder about it. If angels, then we see from three angles law: customary law, common sense law, Islamic law.

Customary or common law shows that it is strange because the customs and people will usually desperate and confused when the security run amok. But the man in white robe and turban looked calmly like nothing happened. He cames out also from the military controlled areas.

The law of mind is impossible to say no if it is an angel. Which is imposibble like those of older than his grandfather...

Islamic law can be taken from the Holy Quran and Hadith. In the Qur'an, Allah told Abraham of two angels will came to be told about a handsome man who would be blessed with Abraham, the son of Sara,who could not even pregnant. The two angels also did not touch the roast beef served by the Prophet Abraham.

2 Angel also came to Prophet Lut to tell him to leave his country before the time of dawn because Allah will destroy the country that people do with homosexuality. (The LGBT, take note of this one).

Thus, if a man who lifts the martyr boy was an angel, it is not impossible according to Islamic law. This can be a miracles to those who martyr lifted by angels, or the glory of the Syrian people, who fought from the cruel government known as Basyyar al-Asad.

In the same time, it must be remembered with the phrase: 'Al-Alfi Istiqaamatu karaaamah khairun min. Istiqamah of fixed religious principles, struggle, worship and life in Islam is actually better than a thousand miracles (virtues) which is shown them through the video clip.

May Allah help the oppressed people of Syria and destroy the tyranny around the world.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Assalamualaikum and Expect to see more right here soon...

5 August 2012
Today is my first day for my PMR TRIAL and I feel a bit nervous when walked to the exam hall. Anyway, I pray to ALLAH, hopeful to pass the examination....While fasting in this Ramadhan Mubarak, I can pay much attention in learning and in my worship.

It's been 11 o'clock and I still reading books for the next trial exam day...Tomorrow is English and Geography. The best thing is I don't have to study English coz' it's the easiest lesson (for me) and insyaAllah, I'll got A+ for English, Ameen...Now for the Geography, I have to spends hours reading the book to understand all about it expecially the Form 3 Geography...for Form 1 and 2, no prob',InsyaAllah...................(>_<)*.

Am I look handsome in this picture ??? (-_-) my Stomach has growled and I can't wait for the Maghrib Azan..meant to 'break' the fast for that day..

Friday, June 29, 2012

ARNOLD J. TOYNBEE ( British Historian )

"The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslim is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam and in the contemporary world. There is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic virtue."

                                                                                          Civilization on Trial, New York, 1948, p. 205

H.A.R. GIBB ( Scottish Historian On Orientalism )

"It (Islam) possesses a magnificent tradition of inter-racial understanding and cooperation. No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an equality of status, of opportunity, and of endeavors so many and so various races of mankind... Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements of race and tradition. If ever the opposition  of the great societies of East and West is to be replaced by cooperation, the mediation of Islam is an indispensable condition. In its handle lies very largely the solution of the problem with which Europe is faced in its relation with East. If they unite, the hope of a peaceful issue is immeasurably enhanced."
                                                                                                     Whither Islam, London, 1932, p. 379:                       

GEORGE BERNAND SHAW ( Irish Playwright and Writer )

"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam"

"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age...I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of today"

                                                                                         'The Genuine Islam.' Vol 1, No. 8, 1936

Nayzak's Islamic Drawing

Nayzak Al Hilali is a famous Devianart artist  for his Islamic drawing. Let's take a look at his artwork and his cool KAWAIISLAMIC drawing. If you want to know more about his artwork, you can visit him in

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Around Anti-Lady Gaga Demo in Indonesia

After a demo made ​​in Korea and the Philippines, anti-Gaga demo has been held in Indonesia. This time it was organized by the Islamic Defenders Front. Unlike Korea and the Philippines, the demo yesterday managed to caused Gaga canceled her concert in Jakarta. 50 000 tickets for the concert place at June 3 front is already sold out. Lady Gaga apologize to his fans in Indonesia because she had to cancel her concerts. Gaga refuses to change her concerts to be more polite as required by Indonesian authorities.

DVD Keeper Shaped like Avengers' Aircraft Concept.

So cool!!! This is a concept to store DVD / Blu Ray produced by Dave Delisle.Do wanna it so much...

Scorpions-Send me an angel Lyrics

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Graffiti Art in Palestine : Nakba Day

In 15 May, Palestinians will celebrate Nakba Day (Doom Day) to commemorate the day that themselves or their ancestors who were forced to move out from their own country by Israel...(now you know)...This are some of Graffiti painted on the wall that separates Palestinians built by Israel.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cool Library in China.

Library is a boring and quiet place (but i love library). Honestly, libraries are not attractive compared to McDonalds. Why else do u think kids these days study at McDonalds? Anyway below is Liyuan Library in Beijing. It was built in the middle of a park and to ensure that this building blend in with its surroundings, it is decorated with twigs that covering the glass windows and covering the entire building.

This Blog will Give You 1 million Information about Slugs...come on,join this blog

The following list of fact sheets contains information on hundreds of species of sea slugs from around the world. New species are added regularly in response to discussions on the Forum. Linked to each fact sheet are Forum messages and responses.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What Is Parkour ?

Le Parkour is a physical discipline started in France, some years ago, in which the exponent (called a "traceur") attempts to pass static obstacles in the fastest and most direct manner possible, using skills such as jumping, vaulting and climbing, as well as some more-advanced techniques. The obstacles can be anything in your environment, so parkour is often practiced in urban areas because of many suitable public structures, such as buildings, rails, and walls.

Friday, March 30, 2012

10 Strange Yet Spectacular Places on Earth

1) Racetrack Playa, United States

Racetrack Playa is located in the Death Valley, California and it is one of the flattest places in the world. In winter there are rains in the desert making the surface slippery. During those times, stones are moving there leaving clear tracks behind. It is believed that the winds are responsible for this weird phenomenon, but the rocks are never filmed or pictured while moving. We can do nothing but wonder why in age of high technology there are no shots from this place.

2) Eye of Africa, Mauritania

Visitors can not see too much by going there, but traveling with Google Earth offers an image that takes the breath. These weird cliffs shaped like human eye are located in Mauritania. There are several theories that try to explain the origin of this wonder, but the official one is that it is a richat structure formed by symmetrical uplifting of the geology. One of the others says that a meteor is the reason.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spider Web That Covered The Trees in Pakistan

These is a picture of the trees that is very unique and strange. The tree is actually covered with spider web. The floods in Pakistan caused the spider flee up to the top of the tree and build their nests there...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Futuristic Motorcycle Concept by Vasilatos Lanis

Indian Motorcyle is a branded motorcycles from the United States that has existed since 1901. They produced quality motorcycles and Harley Davidson was its closest competitor. Did you like it ?

Retro Desk Clock

One of the best thing I love is the retro analog clock flipdown below. It is the best substitute and can be purchased here

Monday, March 19, 2012

Islam Forever...

It is better if this happen around the world...


Unfortunately, this happen...


Make Your Choice...