
Friday, June 29, 2012

H.A.R. GIBB ( Scottish Historian On Orientalism )

"It (Islam) possesses a magnificent tradition of inter-racial understanding and cooperation. No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an equality of status, of opportunity, and of endeavors so many and so various races of mankind... Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements of race and tradition. If ever the opposition  of the great societies of East and West is to be replaced by cooperation, the mediation of Islam is an indispensable condition. In its handle lies very largely the solution of the problem with which Europe is faced in its relation with East. If they unite, the hope of a peaceful issue is immeasurably enhanced."
                                                                                                     Whither Islam, London, 1932, p. 379:                       

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